AXA~PPP Patients, Please Read – February 2025 Updates


On-Line Appointment Booking for Nuffield Health Ipswich

Self Funding Colonoscopy Patients, Book your Colonoscopy


Private Patients’ Booking :

Nuffield Booking Office: 01473 279123
Secretary Mobile 07900 793235 /
or via email  [Booking]
For Direct enquiries please email me Here 


  • MBBCh. Cairo University 1995
  • MSc. National Cancer Institute, International Directory of Cancer Institutes & Organizations 1999
  • Ph.D. National Cancer Institute, International Directory of Cancer Institutes & Organizations 2009
  • FRCS (General & Coloretal) Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh; UK 2013
  • FRCS  (General  &  Colorectal)  Intercollegiate Specialty Board & Royal College of Surgeon of Edinburgh UK 2013
  • MRCS (Edinburgh, UK)  Royal  College of Surgeons of Edinburgh; 2004
  • MRCPS (Glasgow, UK) Royal College of Physician & Surgeons of Glasgow 2004
  • JAG Endoscopy Accreditation Royal College of Physicians 2013

Additional training, Skills and Sub specialization

Professional bodies (positions held – last 3 yrs)

Details of entry to specialist register

Affiliations / memberships

Medical Protection Society “MPS
British Medical Associations “BMA
Joint Advisory Group on GI Endoscopy “JAG
Fellow of Royal College of Surgeon of Edinburgh “FRCS Ed.
European Society of Coloproctology “ESCP
Association of Coloproctology of GBI “ACPGBI
Association of Surgeons of GBI “ASGBI
General Medical Council “GMC

General Surgery, Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
07900 793235 / 01473  703432
APPOINTMENTS / BOOKING OFFICE:                                                           07900 793235 / 01473 279123
FAX                                                                                                                                           01473 279 181
Mr. Amir Morgan
Sec: Miss. Alex Webber

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About me

Following my pre-clinical training, I was awarded a National Scholar and graduated from Cairo University in 1995. My early surgical Training followed by a 5 years Specialist-Registrar Training in Surgical-Oncology (Cancer-surgery) at the National Cancer Institute, The international Directory of Cancer Institutes & Organizations “UICC”. My higher surgical training included a two-year in clinical research evaluating surgical outcome following treating Colorectal Cancer completed in 1999. I was awarded my Master’s Degree. I then spent three years researching Neuroblastoma, an abdominal malignancy and was awarded my PhD. in Surgical-oncology.

Added to completion of a second Higher surgical training programme gaining further experience in Addenbrooke’s and Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals, I enhanced my experience in the sub-special science of treating incontinence in Bristol Royal Infirmary and Middlesex University Hospital, London.

I was awarded the National traveling Fellowship of GBI spending my international fellowship in The Schubert-Martin Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, Cincinnati Medical Hospital, Ohio, USA exploring the art of treating IBD and Pouch surgery in adolescence and young-adults.

I have also joined the Colorectal Team at Christchurch Hospital, New Zealand as the prestigious International Fellow in recurrent rectal and advanced pelvic cancer working with internationally recognized Pioneers in this field.

The European Institute of Tele-Surgery, University of Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France and Hamburg, Germany [Photo Gallery] were other international centers where I completed my advanced Laparoscopic (Key Hole) Training

I have also completed my Royal College of Physician of GBI accreditation for independent diagnostic and therapeutic colonoscopy and was awarded the JAG Qualification.

Find Out More:

Conf 4

 Courses 3


Research interests

My Doctoral thesis examined treatment techniques and possible contributing factors in treatment failure of intra-abdominal cancers. I provided a cornerstone protocol of treatment as an outcome of my research
I published on impact of Diabetes on Cancer’s response to treatment following conducting a laboratory based research in Bristol University
My second Thesis on Colorectal Cancer treatment outcome was a pioneer research work delivering attention to quality of life after receiving treatment

Personal interests

I am interested in developing the care of Inflammatory Bowel Disease to the level I experiences in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.

I am also interested in Gynecological Malignancy and work in close proximity with our Gynecology team treating advanced pelvic malignancies

I am very interested in developing the surgical teaching and have taken the role of modernizing the surgical teaching in Ipswich hospital.

Awards received

  • International Fellowship, Christchurch, New Zealand
  • National ACPGBI/Dukes’ traveling fellowship 2014;Cincinnati Children’s, Ohio, USA
  • Ethicon Funded Advanced Laparoscopic ,Germany, Hamburg
  • Pelican Cancer Bursaries Winner to Attend TME Master-class
  • SARS Prize for one of best Presentations: ASiT Oral Presentation
  • Editor and reviewer for 3 International Journals: BMJ, IJS, JCCR
  • Affiliated Medal prize; European Society of Surgical Oncology

Selected Publications & Presentations

  • Colo-Renal Fistula Complicating Percutaneous Cryoablation of Renal Tumours: Successful treatment with complete conservative management, A literature review. Morgan et al, JM 2012 6:365.
  • Hyperglycemia Confers Resistance to Chemotherapy on Cancer Cells: The role of Fatty Acid Synthase”; Journal: Endocrine Related Cancer IF: 5.827 /2009 ; Endocrine-Related Cancer 2010; 17 (2) 539 -551. 2010 May 18;17(2):539-51. 
  • Histological Examination of Circular Stapled ‘DOUGHNUTS’: Questionable Routine Practice? The Surgeon; 2008 April, Vol 04, No.2, 75 – 78
    BJS, British Journal of Surgery 2008; 93(S1):35
    Annals of Royal College of Surgeons; 2008, March, Vol 88, No2, 233-236
  • Does LAR and TME with ANP For Carcinoma of The Lower Rectum Guarantee Satisfactory Sexual Functions? EJSO, 2005, November, Vol 31. N.9, 1056-59
  • Sexual Life After LAR and ANP for Carcinoma of the Lower Rectum. A Middle East Single Institution Experience; The Surgeon, ; 2005, June, Vol 3.No.3, P16.18, S104-105.
  • IBS or Small Bowel Tumour, A Mysterious Diagnosis; EJSO; 2006; Nov. 32 (S1); N.417; S123 -124
  • Anastomotic Leakage in Patients Underwent LAR,TME & ANP; EJSO; 2007, Nov. 32 (9); P96; 1056
  • Diagnosing Irritable Bowel Syndrome Above Age of 45, Beware!! A Case Report; The Surgeon; 2005, June, Vol 3.No.3, CR2.9, S126-127.
  • 131I-MIBG, A Novel Approach in Neuroblastoma Treatment; International Journal of Surgery IJS & ASiT Conference Book, Mar 2010, P14, A 4; EJSO; 2006; Nov.32 (S1); N.111; S34
  • Patients’ Education Reduces Risks of Thromboprophylaxis Application Failure, International Journal of Surgery & ASiT Conference Book, Mar.2010, P44, A 113
  • Two Weeks referral System for Suspected Cancer Cases. A Quality Control Is Required ! ASiT Conference Book, Mar.2010, P.96, A.324
  • Surgical Treatment of Colorectal Cancer in the Elderly, Analysis of the impact on Survival in the various age groups; European Society of Coloproctology Meeting; Barcelona 24-26th Sep., 2014
  • Do Current JAG Colonoscopy Training Certification Criteria reflect reality? A Surgical Trainee’s Experience”; presentation at the European Society of Coloproctology Meeting; Barcelona 24-26th Sep., 2014
  • Rigid Sigmoidoscopy in Colorectal outpatient clinics, A fruitless time-consuming diagnostic procedure”; presentation at the ESCP Meeting; Barcelona 24-26th Sep., 2014